Covenant Group

After the Spiritual Formation class has been completed, every master’s degree student is required to continue participating in a covenant group each term they are enrolled in classes until they have obtained six semesters of covenant group participation. Covenant groups are Pass/Fail and are NOT for credit. Each covenant group is comprised of four to seven students, and they meet a minimum of four times per semester during the fall and spring semesters. The group typically reads a spiritual classic together and encourages one another in their spiritual practices.


You will meet twice a month with your Covenant Group. Each month you will discuss the readings and practice of one of the Spiritual Disciplines. At the end of each semester, you will turn in a final exam consisting of short answer questions to Min. Abbie Tolbert via email.


1st September meeting: Simplicity

2nd September meeting: What Makes Your Heart Sing?

1st October meeting: Creation as Sabbath Companion

2nd October meeting: Sabbath Hospitality

1st November meeting: Cultivating Joy

2nd November meeting: Reimagining Work


During your FIRST meeting, you will discuss the following questions before beginning your discussion on the readings:

1. What are your hopes for this group?

2. What is your favorite scripture? Why?

3. How did the week go for you?

For the rest of your meetings, you will answer one of the following icebreaker questions before discussing the reading:

• What is your biggest pet peeve?

• What was your favorite vacation?

• What has been your favorite class at Leland? or What class are you looking forward to taking?

• What has been your biggest joy of working in ministry?

• What has been your hardest moment in working in ministry?

• What is your favorite season? Why?

• Name one goal you have/had for this year.


During each Covenant Group meeting you will discuss the questions given at the end of the chapter.


Anita Amstutz, Soul Tending: A Journey into The Heart of Sabbath. Nashville: Tennessee.

NO NOT PURCHASE. Books will be provided by Leland.