January 7, set apart

For their sake I sanctify myself. John 17:19

In the most significant prayer Jesus prayed over His followers, His words proved very personal with the pronouncement, "for their sake I sanctify myself." Jesus' words express two very clear truths that powerfully motivate us to be in the world but not of the world. 

First, Jesus obeyed the Father, became a sacrifice for us on the cross, and has given us a brand-new life. Jesus expressed His mission to the cross in the phrase "I sanctify myself.”  This translates, "I set myself apart for the Father's purpose." 

Second, as Jesus referenced His sacrifice, we are told that He did so for us – “For their sake I sanctify myself.” Allow this to truly engage your soul: "for us!" 

In Titus 2:14, we read,

"Jesus Christ gave Himself for us to purify for Himself a people for His own, eager to do good."

Jesus references us! He speaks of all who have trusted in Him and have received His incredible gift of grace and redemption. This is YOU, if your faith is in Jesus. 

Your identity does not build upon your career, your past, your denomination, your church style, your reputation, or your political views. Your identity is "Jesus." He is the one who has saved you for Himself ... to be His own, to be His people. 

In the words of I Peter 2:9, 

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light."

“God's special possession.” This is who you truly are as stated by God, by the Scriptures, and by Jesus when He prayed over all His followers: "For their sake I sanctify myself."

So today, step forward into this world to be in it, but most certainly not of it. And, why? He has sanctified Himself for you. He has set you apart - "purified for Himself", a people for His own. 

Why is this such an important message today amid the growing and discouraging distractions to faith? A. B Simpson, that great Canadian preacher from the turn of the 20th Century, observes,  "When an observatory is about to be built, the site selected is always on some high mountain. The aim is to find a place where there is a clear, unobstructed view of the heavens. Similarly, faith requires for its heavenly vision the highlands of holiness and separation, the pure sky of a consecrated life."(1)

You are set apart unto God. You are given God's presence, and you have fellowship with God made possible through the cross of Christ. Therefore, stay focused on the One to whom you have been set apart and the One to whom your life has become consecrated. And, go live accordingly. 



(1) A. B,. Simpson, "A Larger Christian Life." Christianity Today, Vol. 41, no. 8. 


January 8, at peace


January 6, temple of God