March 5, the living truth
Faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17
"My evidence that I am saved does not lie in the fact that I preach, or that I do this or that. All my hope lies in this: that Jesus came to save sinners. I am a sinner. I trust Him. He came to save me, and I am saved."
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Is Jesus Christ the center of all we do? This represents a significant question not easily answered by most. While many Christians readily desire Jesus to be the most important part of life, how does this become a daily reality?
Determining a life that is Christ-centered can be a challenge. Sometimes the goal of Christ-centered living becomes falsely satisfied with good religious practice. There is nothing inherently wrong with the latter, other than being a very poor and dangerous substitute for the former. Benevolence, social involvement, and even evangelistic notions do not genuinely represent the Kingdom of God if not done in the name of Jesus, for Jesus, and by His power. So, how can we make certain all things in our lives, churches, and ministries are centered on Jesus?
We must keep “the Word of Christ” as the center of and reason for all activity. In Romans 10:17, the Word of Christ” references those things spoken of Christ and by Christ. This proves that in our personal lives and in our churches and ministries, all truth must point to the reality of Jesus. The full substance of God's Truth defines the fullness of Christ, and exposes the full identity of God, His love, and His purposes in the world. And we know that Jesus is the Word that became flesh (John 1:14), so how desperately we need the Word of Christ to influence all we do.
Real life application: (Consider the following simple illustrations.) One might say, “I tell the truth because lying is bad.” Another may resolve, “I am kind, because being mean is bad.” While embracing good over bad is obviously vital, this doesn’t exclusively resonate the Gospel. But, when someone resolves, “I tell the truth to honor Jesus because He is truth, and lying dishonors Him,” or “I am kind because the Spirit of Christ in me is kind, and beckons me to be kind,” then the Word of Christ becomes real and active. This expresses more than mere semantics.
When my motivation for how to live is the truth of Jesus (the Biblical truth about salvation and new life), and the principles taught by Jesus (specific kingdom principles), I then live by the Word of Christ, and in this way mirror His life to others. What a glorious way to live.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer reminds us that the church can often replace the real and living Gospel - the Word of Christ, for a mere abstraction of truth. He once wrote, “in such a church, the world finds a cheap covering for its sin; no contrition is required, still less any real desire to be delivered from sin and to genuinely live for Jesus.” As Bonhoeffer’s words remind us, the identity of the church, and our personal witness, is watered down and dreadfully smudged when the centrality of the Gospel becomes lost. So much becomes dangerously at stake when the Gospel no longer stands as central to all of life. The Gospel must be central not only to undergird the mission and vision of the church, but also as a reminder of our true kingdom identity – our redemption in Christ, our reconciliation to God, and our unity and reconciliation one with another.
We cannot afford to represent the Gospel of Jesus as an abstract thought vaguely referenced. Jesus is real. The Gospel is real. This is life. This is truth. This is the Word of Christ. Jesus is indeed the fulfillment of all things. He is the author of our salvation who lovingly rules and reigns over our lives. Let’s make Jesus the priority in all things.
Do you desire to see the lives around you changed? Lift up Jesus (John 12:32)! Center on Him. Lift Him up so that all are drawn to Him. Faith comes by the Word of Christ. There is no other way.