April 28, a safe place
Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:8
The story is told of an ordinary goldfish that was thrown into a tank as food for a larger species. This little fish not only escaped predators but managed to slip into a water filtration tank where it survived undetected for seven years, growing to a length of 25cm (10 inches), before being discovered by aquarium staff. Though the fish was a bit discolored, the fish was healthy, and was regarded as a “miracle” for surviving that long in the tank. The secure hiding spot turned out to be a lifesaving and life-changing place for the goldfish which is now the star of its own attraction at a local aquarium.[1]
Sometimes finding a refuge, a hiding spot, a place of safety, not only keeps us safe, but helps us to grow and mature. From a spiritual perspective, this example of a “safe place” helps us to appreciate why the Book of the Psalms often referred to God as a refuge. “God as our refuge” not only represents a place of safety and defense, but a place wherein we can flourish. The Psalmist found great confidence fin this fact. And, this confidence was manifested in an ongoing life of trust, regardless of the circumstance. Trust became a lifestyle more than simply life’s ideal. The psalmist also gained confidence for a life of honest and clear surrender to Jehovah. To pour out one’s heart signifies the purging of any doubt for the sake of relying wholeheartedly upon God. This is the way of one who has taken abode in God as a refuge.
There are some dynamic conclusions for such confidence in our God:
When we are confident in God as our refuge, we live in a duration of trust. The Psalmist declared, “trust in Him at all times.” And why? “God is a refuge for us.”
When we are confident in God as our refuge, we trust Him afresh and new every day. The idea of trusting Him at all times not only conveys duration but renewed daily trust with each day.
When we are confident in God as our refuge, we willingly and freely pour our hearts out to Him. This involves both confession of sin and praise unto Him. The heart is indeed a wellspring from where comes our holy desires to honor God.
When we are confident in God as our refuge, we better live as His people. The Psalmist directed these thoughts to the people of Israel: “Trust in Him at all times, O people.” We have a heritage in Him. We have a unique security (firm in Him through His covenant) for we are uniquely His people.
So, this day, renew your confidence in God as your safe place – your refuge and strength. When we truly understand this truth, we will better live in a duration of trust that is renewed every day, we will more readily pour our hearts of confession and praise out before Him, and we will better live in confidence as His covenant people.
Today, take your refuge in God, and in God alone. In this way, you will not simply abide in safety. You will flourish.
Read Psalm 62:1-12 and be encouraged to daily trust in God as your refuge.
[1] Courtesy of In a GrindTV and Rocket news.