February 14, LIVE LOVED!
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
I am convinced! What an incredible statement, and what a genuine argument for the reality of God’s love!
This phrase actually defines “an unshakable conviction based on past experience.” The Apostle Paul's reality was clearly the relentless love of God despite life’s disappointments, heartaches, challenges, and crises. He knew this personally. He was convinced.
This stands as an amazing reality despite the many threats in life that attempt to hide the love of God. In comparison to the supernatural powers listed in verses 38-39, Paul earlier gave a list of physical threats that can attempt to come against one’s life of faith:
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" (Romans 8:35)
All the terms of the above verse should be taken in their most general sense with little need for further definition. Each item seems to express an indefinite quality to denote rhetorically all that could be thought of by the apostle.
In all things that could be categorized as enemies to the Christian faith, none become more than a simple threat. For, nothing physical or supernatural will move you from being the intentional and chosen recipient of God’s perfect and personal love. Child of God, you are loved! Nothing changes this.
YOU ARE LOVED, so be assured that His love will never change toward you. Nothing you can do will make Him love you less. Nothing you can do will make Him love you more. His loves perfectly!
YOU ARE LOVED, so the union between you and Christ Jesus will never dissolve. While you may be physically separated from Him until your numbered days on earth have met their God-intended purpose, you are not even at this moment without perfect union with Christ.
YOU ARE LOVED, and while other things and people may be pulled away from you (for this becomes the plight of this broken world), the love of Jesus will never be pulled from you. Even when death comes, which separates the body from the soul, the soul lives on in the deepest reality, for nothing has separated you from Him. He is the great lover of your soul, and of your life.
YOU ARE LOVED, and the highest esteem to be laid upon the natural reality of a human life is the supernatural reality of divine life – the Love of Christ. His love for you cannot be reduced to a congenial act, for God has manifested through the Son, and the Son alone, the most perfect love. This love saved you, keeps you, grows you, holds you up, and ushers you into His presence. This is indeed the highest esteem for your life.
This love is real. This love is yours. YOU are the recipient. And this love is guaranteed in the most glorious and absolute truth of all: “the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
You are loved. So today, go and live in His love. And allow His love to empower you to reach out and love the ones He has placed right in front of you!
Read Romans 8:1-39 and be encouraged by how the love of Christ elevates life above all things in this world.