January 24, God and your daily steps
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
God’s principle of success for life never rests fully in the effort of man, but in God’s way. And His ways stands as absolutely perfect. The divine wisdom of this principle focuses man on necessary responsibilities, but the direction and outcome desperately depend upon God.
Consider how this Biblical truth appraises human effort. God created humankind to consist of faculties that are advanced over inferior creatures (placing all creatures under his feet – Psalm 8:6). Instead of simply being governed by natural sense and instinct, mankind was created with the ability to reason, to dream, to seek specific goals, and to devise specific plans. The human heart has the ability to plan his or her course of life. Now, consider how this principle appraises our dependence upon God. Although the ability to devise plans exists, the true way can never be found in the human heart. Humankind was created with an awareness of God and a desperate dependence upon God (Romans 1:19-20). But, because sin entered the picture, the brokenness of this world causes the natural person to consider that he or she does not need God, especially in the details of life.
Why does humanity sinfully default to such dangerous independence from God. The Bible reminds us that there is a way that seems right to man, but that way is ultimately destructive because the trajectory of the sinful heart moves away from God (Proverbs 14:12). In brokenness, man considers his ways sufficient for life and makes his plans accordingly. So, God has graciously interrupted our deceptive self-perspective with a powerful and beautiful absolute: God alone establishes your steps. One may exercise the greatest of anxieties and care for a particular goal, but in the end each person desperately depends upon the Lord.
HIS WAY is perfect and can be trusted. He is sovereign. He is in control. His ways are mysterious and far above the ways of man. And He has proven Himself from the beginning of time. His creation speaks of His glory. His history proclaims His providential care. His people testify of His faithfulness. He is above all things. His ways are perfect and stand as the ONLY suitable interposition for any thought, dream, or plan of man.
So today, right now, pause for a moment of necessary introspection. What plans have you run forward with, while forsaking to heed our absolute dependence upon God’s wisdom? What has seemed right to you but has never been brought before God in intentional prayer for the purpose of seeking His heart and will in the matter? You may make your plans. But God develops your steps. He alone makes your way. Trust Him not only with your future, but with you next step.