June 6, Live guided

The Lord shall guide you continually.

Isaiah 58:11

Yes, divine guidance represents an absolute for our lives if we will but trust God.  The prophet Isaiah announced, “The Lord shall guide you continually”, and this was emphasized even in times of great distress:

And the LORD shall guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and make fat your bones: and you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. (Isaiah 58:11)

So today, we take hope that regardless of our circumstances, God promises to lead His children.  And, this does not exclude you.  He desires to guide you ever so personally.  And, what an overwhelming promise.  

In my conversations with others concerning God’s personal guidance, I have come to realize that many do not doubt that God does gives divine guidance personally, but they simply doubt that guidance for themselves.  The following represent reasons for such doubt (influenced by the writings of F. B. Meyer, who wrote of this topic many decades ago): 

First, individuals feel less than those saints mentioned in the Bible who experienced sensational encounters (like Joshua on the hillside just before the Jericho battle, or Paul on the road to Damascus).  Because of this, many falsely conclude that only through such encounters can one truly know God’s personal guidance. However, I would argue that the most sensational experience with God’s personal guidance would be His indwelling Holy Spirit within you. Romans 8:14 reminds us that “all who are led by God’s Spirit are children of God.”  So, please do not think that the absence of sensational stories in your own life disqualifies you from God’s divine guidance. The miracle of your salvation involves the presence of God’s very Spirit within you.  What an amazing reality!

Second, many become consumed about “doing wrong”, and thus live subjected to some legalistic notion of getting over past sins by perfecting present conduct.  Consequently, they miss the fresh direction God has for them daily.  However, consider that David cried, “return to me the joy of my salvation” (Psalm 51:12).  Oh, how many need this confident joy that moves the redeemed heart past the failures of yesterday and onto that eager place of listening for the voice of God morning by morning.   

Third, and I believe the most common, many often feel less than others in spiritual maturity and discernment.  Consequently, many may feel too dull (too unlearned) in spiritual thinking to receive God’s personal guidance.  But consider this example from F.B. Meyer:   

How do we treat children?  One child is bright and keen witted that with a little hint he or she knows the way.  The other needs more time to discern and understand.  Do you not take the second child upon your knee and make clear the direction that once baffled the child until the child understands?[1]  

And amazingly, this represents God’s dealings with us.  Even in the Scriptures, God was more patient with Abraham, Moses, David, and Peter than perhaps He may have needed to be with others.  But nonetheless, the truth of God’s love manifested in our blessed Savior Jesus Christ, demonstrates one powerful common thread: God always meets us at our point of need.  He did not give Paul a burning bush, nor did He give Peter a great fish to swallow him. God spoke into the individual lives of our predecessors of faith even as He does now: exactly as it fits our present moment.  Therefore, regardless of how you may see your own place on the road of faith, remember that God speaks to you right where you are at this moment.  Position your heart to hear Him.  

As a true Child of God, you are not unqualified to receive God’s personal direction.  He desires to lead you.  This was proven vividly in Jesus’ demonstration of His role over us as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11).  So, today, trust in your Shepherd – Jesus.  And, listen carefully as God desires to make known His guidance for your life.  

So, as you better posture your life  for God’s guidance, consider the closing phrase from Isaiah 58:11 – “whose waters fail not.”  This Hebrew idiom can express, “whose waters deceive not,” indicating that the plenty God provides will in no way be like some deluges of rainwater that come quickly and dry up quickly.  This promise indicates an eternal spring of blessing that will never fail.  God’s provisions accompany His guidance.  Where He guides, He provides.  

So today, posture your heart for God’s personal direction for you.  Trust Him.  Trust Jesus.  And trust the provisions that God’s guidance will bring.  Live guided!


[1] F. B. Meyer, The Secret of Guidance.


June 9, The Relationship, Question 2


May 31, Chaos or peace?