March 11th, Discouraged?

“For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6

Fan to flame the gift of God in you.”  What a descriptive and meaningful expression of encouragement from a seasoned and loving mentor to a dedicated and developing church leader.  

The Story

Historically, this statement expressed Paul’s encouragement of Timothy’s calling and purpose in life.  Timelessly, this represents a significant word of encouragement for each of us as followers of Jesus.  

Paul loved Timothy very much and was instrumental in ordaining and setting Timothy apart to God’s gospel ministry.  This “setting apart” (I Timothy 4:14) was done through laying on of hands at Lystra (to signify the call of God and the empowering of the Holy Spirit).  But, because of challenges, Timothy was lovingly exhorted to remember his calling.  

The Need

As with many of us, sometimes our desire to serve God can become distracted by life.  And, sometimes these distractions can cool the fire of our commitment.  Timothy was no different.  Earlier, (I Timothy 4:4) Paul had encouraged Timothy not to grow careless of the gift residing in Him.  “The gift” represented both Timothy’s particular calling as a minister, and the work of the Holy Spirit in supernaturally gifting Timothy for God’s purpose.  Paul then followed up with the message of 2 Timothy 1:6, “fan to flame the gift in you.”  This phraseology infers that something had challenged or distracted Timothy from his calling.  This expression, fan to flame, represents a metaphorical expression borrowed from one stirring up a fire that is almost extinguished.  This teaches us that Timothy was very discouraged, and the passion of his calling was burning very low.  According to Hendriksen, some of these challenges were likely physical infirmities (I Timothy 5:23), a timid nature (I Corinthians 16:10), youthfulness (I Timothy 4:12), or perhaps the Ephesian errorists who opposed Timothy (I Timothy 1:3-7). Therefore, in the face of such adversity, Paul held Timothy up against these discouragements with the urging to fan his calling to a flame.  Albeit a spark, Paul encouraged him to make it a flame once again.  Many times, we can become discouraged, and our fire for ministry and service to Jesus can cool. This represents discouragement that leads to loss of passion for serving God.   If you identify, then hold on to that which Paul told Timothy. 

The Application 

What was actually communicated by Paul’s expression, “fan to flame”?  I believe this was primarily a call to remember. And, Timothy was called by Paul to remember two significant facts.  

First, Timothy needed to remember His actual call.  God had indeed set Timothy apart.  If a calling is from God, regardless of the type or particularity of the call, that call is indeed secured by God.  Romans 11:29 reminds us that “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”  (This particular verse references primarily the savingfavor of God, but also demonstrates God’s nature in every calling laid upon His own.) Timothy needed to remember that regardless of who or what pushed against him, his calling was not altered in the least.  Perhaps you have felt push back from situations or people in your calling, leadership role, or ministry assignment.  Or, perhaps you have felt push back from life in your daily journey as a follower of Jesus.  But as it was for Timothy, so it is for you.  The trouble around you does not define the gift or the calling within you.  Remember that God has set you apart. He has supernaturally gifted you through His Holy Spirit.  You are called!  

Second, Timothy needed to remember the presence of others.  Paul was quick to remind Timothy that Paul himself was there when Timothy was set apart formerly by the church elders.  In fact, Paul’s very hands, along with other church leaders, were laid upon Timothy’s shoulders to tangibly symbolize the recognition and encouragement of God’s call on young Timothy.   What an amazing validation.  And, Paul called for Timothy to remember the presence of others in his life who gave such validation and encouragement.  Perhaps even you and I, in some of our most discouraging moments, need to you remember the presence of others. There are those who have thanked us for our life’s calling or positions of service and ministry.  There are those who have been blessed because God worked through us.  There are also those who believe in God’s call on our lives and are there with words of encouragement.  If, however, you feel as if no one has given you significant presence through encouraging your calling and purpose, may this very word you are reading have that role in your life right now.  I may not know the specifics of your calling, but I can guarantee you that whatever God’s purpose is defined as in your life, there are those who are at this moment being blessed by your life.  Trust God with this truth, for it is a reality.  God would never allow your life’s purpose or calling to exist in vain.  You are making a difference.      

On this day, and at this moment, please remember that God has indeed set you apart for a particular purpose unto Him.  You have a calling.  Also, remember that your calling has indeed blessed others, and will continue to do so as by faith you continue to serve Jesus with all your heart.  So, don’t be discouraged.  Don’t give up.  God has you.  Allow the flame of God’s giftedness in you to glow bright and burn hot for Him.  Fan to flame His purpose in you.  And, watch the enemy of discouragement crumble under your feet.  




March 12th, Unshaken


March 10th, "strengthen"