March 27th, Prayer is What We Do!

“If my people pray.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

I realize there is more to this verse than these four simple words.  But the message is unmistakable: if my people pray.

The Ancient Story.

     In the immediate context, this verse follows Solomon’s prayer of dedication for the temple.  God honored his prayer and responded by consuming the temple with His presence: “I have heard your pray and have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice” (2 Chronicles 7:12).  In the larger context, this prayer accompanies warnings of God’s judgment should Israel forget their covenant relationship with God.  Throughout Israel’s ancient history, particularly in the cycle of the Judges, there were many occasions when Israel repented, and God blessed. There were also many times when Israel disobeyed, and God judged.  Nonetheless, the promise of God’s blessings would come “if my people pray.”  This call to prayer was for Israel en masse, meaning as a whole.  God called the nation of Israel to pray and repent. 

The Present Meaning.

     There are those in Biblical theology and in the study of Biblical history who would either interpret 2 Chronicles 7:14 as a nationalistic prayer (suitable for any nation who would turn from sins and to the Lord), or a prayer exclusively for the unique relationship of covenant God shared with Israel.  However you may view this verse, one fact stands clear: God desires that His people pray.  And this truth is found throughout the Holy Scriptures.  

The Reality of Prayer

     I Chronicles 16:11 reminds us to “look to the Lord and His strength; to seek His face always.” That’s prayer!   Ephesians 6:28 instructs, “And pray in the spirit on all occasions and with all kinds of prayers and requests.”  That is praying in the freedom of the Spirit.  James 5:13 announces, “is anyone among you in trouble, let them pray.”  That is desperate prayer. Proverbs 15:8 clearly teaches that “the sacrifice of the wicked is detestable to God, but the prayer of the upright please Him.”  That is prayer from a heart desiring God.  Psalm 141:2 gently calls us to see our prayer like incense before God.  That is the beauty of prayer in God’s eyes.  Romans 12:12 calls for the follower of Christ to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  That is lifestyle prayer.  Psalm 145:18 reminds us that the Lord is near to all who call upon Him in truth.  That is the hope of prayer.  Luke 6:12 describes Jesus praying all night.  That is the perfect example of prayer.  In Luke 18:1, Jesus taught His disciples to pray and not give up. That is relentless prayer.  Hebrews 4:16 calls us to “draw near with confidence into God’s throne of grace.” That is the access of prayer Jesus provides.  On and on the truth of prayer rings out from God’s Word.  And . . . 

The Opportunity for Prayer

     . . . Colossians 4:2 announces, “devote yourselves to prayer.” That is what we are to do right now.  

There are many, many references to prayer in the Bible. The above verses are but a small representation.   With any of the verses mentioned above, or any other verse from the Bible you may have close to your heart concerning prayer, select a verse.  Just one.  And write that verse out where you can see the truth of that verse every single day. Post the verse somewhere physically in your home.  Be creative.  Make the verse you choose the message to you and your family members.  

     Now with that verse in place, pray constantly with encouragement from that truth.  And pray out loud in your home.  In fact, choose a time.  Choose a regular time when the activity in your home will stop, and you and your family will pray.  You may be thinking, “we already pray at mealtime, bedtime, etc.”  While I agree such examples are indeed sacred times of prayer, I urge you not to default to an already established routine of prayer.  Create a new and intentional time of prayer wherein you pray along with thousands of other Christ followers for God to bring healing to our world.  Pray in-depth for the Gospel of Jesus to be declared loudly and clearly at this time.  Pray for Christians to love, serve, sacrifice, and give.  Pray for sick to be healed, for people who don’t know Jesus to place their faith in Him, for wise decisions from our leaders, and most of all, for God to receive honor and glory.  

This is a time for people to look up.  To look to our loving Heavenly Father.  To see His glory in the face of Christ.  This is the time.  Right now.  And we must pray.  

     However you might understand the application of 2 Chronicles 7:14, the message is clear.  Prayer is what the people of God do!  Prayer is our sacred responsibility.  Prayer is first.  Prayer is not the last consideration.  We should pray now!  Right now! 



March 28th, Before God


March 26th, New Strength