March 9th, Look here!

"Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.” 

 Hebrews 12:2

The year was 1820.  The location was the small township of Brewster, New York.  A little girl was born to John and Mercy Crosby.  Her name was Francis Jane.  At six weeks of age little Francis was stricken blind in both eyes for life.  But, reviewing her life's journey, one could scarcely conclude that this story was a tragedy.  Instead, this story actually became one of tremendous sight.     

Francis Jane Crosby, known to most as Fanny Crosby, became one of the most inspirational hymn writers history has ever known.  Raised with devout Christian influence, Fanny came to faith early in life.  Having composed her first poem as a young girl, Fanny developed as a musician, and God began using her to author songs for the church that continue today. (There are over 9,000 spiritual songs attributed to her authorship.)  And interestingly, most of her songs are about sight (note the following examples)

“Visions of rapture now burst on my sight” (Blessed Assurance);

“Watching and waiting, looking above” (Blessed Assurance);

“Near the cross I'll watch and wait, hoping, trusting ever” (In the Cross);

“But purer and higher and greater will be, our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see” (To God be the Glory).

Fanny’s contribution to the history of spiritual music, and to the Christian faith, continues to inspire millions worldwide.    But, more than a story of one who overcame the challenges of blindness, Fanny possessed a faith of significant spiritual sight (or, one might say “insight”).  And, when I personally consider her life, I cannot help but reflect on the powerful urging of Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus.”  These words are actually a continuation of a sentence in the previous verse: “let us lay aside every encumbrance, and run the race before us with endurance, fixing our eyes on Jesus.” I would say Fanny did just that.  The encumbrance of being visually impaired did not hinder her faith in the least.  And, many are blessed today because of her determined life of faith in Jesus Christ.  

Perhaps today, such stories as Fanny Crosby inspire you to walk more resolute in your faith.  Perhaps, her particular story offers a great opportunity to rethink your spiritual sight.  How fixed are your eyes upon Jesus?  

The phrase, “fixing our eyes”, comes from an old verb aphorao, meaning “to look away.”  This verb tense demonstrates something descriptively active about the life of one who follows Jesus.  To “fix our eyes” does not simply infer a glance toward the truth of Jesus occasionally or episodically.  To “fix our eyes” indicates one who looks away from the world and unto Jesus as a way of life.  This encourages total dependence upon the One who is the author of our faith – the one who began our faith and originates salvation.  This also encourages dependence upon He who is the perfecter of our faith – the one who carries on our faith through the Holy spirit in ever increasing growth until we are with Him in eternity.  

So, the exhortation is simple and clear: “look to Jesus.”  Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Him.  When this becomes our way of life, the following occurs: (1) we no longer become fixated on our circumstances; (2) we no longer compare ourself to others, for Jesus determines our identity and course of life; (3) we no longer live under fear or failure, for Jesus assures our successful faith journey. 

Today, allow this truth to refocus your spiritual eyes.  Look away from the world and unto Jesus as an expression of your daily walk of faith.  And, as you do you will become one who, in the words of Fanny Crosby, is “watching and waiting, looking above.”  



Read Hebrews 11:1-12:3 for a powerful description of real faith.


March 10th, "strengthen"


March 8th, Don't Look Elsewhere