May 1, All things good
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28.
Have you ever considered how God defines “good”? God works all things for good. Yet understandably so, many Christians have admitted that certain experiences and circumstances in their lives could be describe in any way but “good.” So, what is “good” to God? What represents the divine metric that gives such an absolute appraisal of Heaven’s value that in all things God’s goodness will become evident?
The truth of God’s goodness for our every circumstance comes to us in the same context as the realization that sometimes we do not know how to pray. Thus, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27) So immediately, we are reminded that God’s goodness represents that which is far above a human appraisal of goodness. God’s goodness is always directly related to His will. And God is always “at work in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). Therefore, we have the blessed opportunity each day to know and trust the goodness of God.
Consider God’s goodness from four perspectives (the last being the most substantial):
First, there is a general goodness of life, whereby one may optimistically and joyfully experience the blessedness of “another day” to be alive. And I agree – this is good. And this is a goodness God provides. But is this the limit to the goodness God speaks of in the above verse?
Second, there exists a temporal goodness whereby one is blessed with specific possessions or events in this life. Food, clothing, and shelter are all very good things, and these the Father provides. The events of life such as marriage, raising children, academic advancements, and the development of a meaningful career all represent the good things that cannot be defined in any other way than the blessings of God. The Scriptures remind us that all good things come down from the Father (James 1:17). But is this all there is to the goodness God would have us consider in Romans 8:28?
Third, there is also a productive goodness, indicating the blessings that come from hard work, wise investments, honest calculations of resources, and honorable work ethics. The Holy Scriptures commend this as the fruit of labor (Ecclesiastes 5:18-29). But is there more to God’s goodness?
Finally, there is within the consideration of good things a spiritual goodness. This represents the presence of God in one’s life through faith in Jesus Christ which results in continual and overflowing blessings of the soul. Follow the spiritual course of God’s work in your life. 1. God saved you. This is His work, and His work alone. When you walked an aisle, responded to the words of a beloved pastor, spiritual mentor, parent, or friend, and prayed a genuine prayer of repentance and commitment, you were responding to the work of God. Your salvation was all the work of God, and nothing of yourself (Ephesians 2:8-9). And, oh how good God is that He would offer to us His glorious salvation through the perfect sacrifice and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. 2. God has made you His own. The Scriptures pronounce upon the saved life the reality of spiritual adoption (Romans 8:15). The term “adoption” comes to us from Greek terminology with the literal meaning, “as a son.” Therefore, you are not “like” children to God, you are as children of God (meaning a present and eternal reality). 3. God is growing you. The theological term is “sanctification” (I Thessalonians 4:3). This is indeed His will for you, leading you from the influence of sin and vanity to grace and holiness, and ever-increasing fellowship in union with Jesus Christ your Savior and Lord. And, what a blessed journey of discipleship and spiritual growth. From the same context of Romans 8:28 comes the joyful reminder that nothing separates us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. This is your present journey heavenward. And not even death will separate you from the love of God. 4. God leads you home. I trust that for you, your sight is upon the eternal hope of your calling in Christ Jesus. Paul once prayed for the Ephesian Christians, “that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people” (Ephesians 1:18). This expresses for the believer unity with Christ as the earnest hope of all glory, giving to each one who trusts Christ a place in the Kingdom of God both here in this moment, and eternally in Heaven. The eternal promise and hope of Heaven is indeed the ultimate fulfillment (the theological term is our glorification) of our faith in Christ.
So, in this present moment, God works all things for your good, – “to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” ALL THINGS. Every episode, every movement of life, and every encounter all serves the purpose of your glorious spiritual life and journey from the moment Jesus saved you until the moment you are standing with Him. As you love Him and live in your ultimate life calling as a follower of Christ and as a child of God, you will from this perspective understand that God is indeed fulfilling His will in you. And, regardless of how your present moment may feel, regardless of how your emotions may at times sway with the ever changing culture around you, and regardless of how challenging the journey may seem at this moment, deep inside your soul God is doing as much good in you as on those pleasant days wherein you find ease in trusting Him.
So, yes!!!! God is good with bringing to you the goodness of being alive another day, the goodness of temporal possessions and events in life, and the goodness of fruitfulness from hard work and labor. But, all these good things may or may not always be with you tangibly, for they are not eternally promised. What is eternal is that God has saved you through faith in Christ, He is growing you, and He is leading you home. This expresses the spiritual and eternal goodness that not only doesn’t fade but grows from day to day until we are all home.
So today, while you are enjoying all the other good things God has brought you, thank Him most of all for the spiritual blessing of knowing Him and being in His forever family, and thank Him that you know your destiny.
Being a forever citizen of His Kingdom! Now, that’s a great reminder of the goodness of our God!
Read Romans 8:26-39, and be blessed at the goodness of God in your life.