May 21, A new kind of law

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

We need one another.  No one was every meant to go through life alone.  

But our togetherness was woefully interrupted in 2020. Humankind socially reacted to a global sickness that completely interrupted the proper view of human interrelatedness.  The entire world responded through limiting social contact and minimizing interaction.  This increased our digital (and I might add, artificial) interaction.  So, this became the reality:  people in need of one another in some ways became afraid of one another

I do not doubt nor deny any proper measures for caring for one another.  And, for those among us who remain most vulnerable to sickness, we must purposefully and persistently protect them.   Afterall, love always protects (I Corinthians 13:7).    Nonetheless, we must not allow our present world condition to keep us emotionally isolated from one another.  Experiencing a relationship with you through a camera, text, email, or even a phone call, suffices for the moment.  But in our hearts, we must refuse - and I mean blatantly refuse, to allow a sickness to make us suspicious of one another, scared of one another, or completely isolated from one another.  And, why is this so urgent?

We have before us the law of Christ.  Galatians 6:2 reminds us to carry each other’s burdens and fulfill the law of Christ.   The “law of Christ” represents a play on words with consideration of the context of this verse.  The apostle Paul, God’s appointed messenger of this truth, had been instructing the Galatian churches to know the difference between living out faith according to the law (the legal and binding requirements from the letter of the Old Testament law), and living out faith according to the Spirit of God.  Paul’s conclusion of this dichotomy?   “For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision accomplishes anything; what matters is faith working through love” (Galatians 5:6).  The pressure of circumcision became the legal tool used by Judaizers to make all Christians adhere to Jewish law.  But because of Jesus, “we are no longer under the law” (Galatians 3:23-25).  We can become children of God, but not through attempting to fulfill the law (such as being circumcised).  We become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26).  

On this backdrop of such theological clarity gained, Paul then encouraged the spirit of “otherness” with the emphasis of the “law” of Christ – simply meaning, we must love as Christ Jesus has loved us.  We must practice grace and mercy, truth in love, and gentleness (all inferences from Galatians 6:1).  In short, we must be genuinely attentive to the burdens of others. 

And, the love of Christ is very active at this present moment.  Even during social separation, many have stepped through doors with the love of Christ.  Many have visited the houses of the elderly who have needs.  Many have provided personal and biblical counseling through phone calls.  Many have risked their own wellbeing to truly serve a neighbor in need.  There remain heroes in the medical field who have served on the frontline of this sickness.  And, there continue to be many unnoticed heroes quietly prioritizing the needs of others.  I am so grateful for those truly living out the law of Christ, meaning, “the love of Christ.”  For in this, God’s glory and the glory of Jesus Christ becomes evident.  

So today, resolve that you will not be pushed back so far that you cannot see the needs of others and offer help.  Look around you.  Caring for one another in meaningful ways is possible.  Paradoxically, the opportunities to love others have seemed much closer to us during a time of social distancing than perhaps we have witnessed in a long time.     

Look around. Ask for God’s wisdom and direction.  Be intentional.  Let’s care by seeking opportunities to help another carry his or her burden.  In this way, we fulfill Christ.  Bringing our Lord’s love into a hurting situation is always powerful.  And, that most certainly sounds like a miracle waiting to happen.  



Read Galatians 6:1-10 and be encouraged in the spirit and attitude of otherness


May 22, Love that’s not hypocritical


May 20, RELATE