May 26, Tired of waiting?

I wait for the Lord; my soul does wait, and in His Word, I put my hope.

Psalm 130:5

Waiting becomes defined in the Bible as a posture of faith.  Waiting expresses the blessed posture of the believer and runs counter to everything in the natural man.  Waiting represents an issue for the soul, as indicated by the Hebrew “nephesh” (my soul).  The New International Version of the Bible translates, “I wait with my whole being,” to indicate that this waiting involves not merely the formality of the outer man, but a waiting of one’s spirit or soul – the inner man.  This indicates that the soul leans forward toward God, waiting for Him.  Waiting, therefore, demonstrates a spiritual activity and an act of faith – an anticipation of the soul toward God.  

Waiting should not feel laborious, nor should waiting assume passiveness.  Waiting may be the most active expression of faith one can demonstrate.  Waiting demonstrates that one is convinced of God’s presence, confident in God’s provision, and centered on God’s purposes.  

Are you convinced of God’s presence in your life?  Jesus promised His disciples, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).  In this promise Jesus fulfilled the very nature of God perfectly, so realize that God is with you undeniably, even in your waiting.  You never wait alone.  God once spoke to Moses, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).  God reassured Moses that he was not alone in His journey of faith: God promised His presence and brought rest to Moses’ spirit.  In the midst of waiting on God, we can also experience that same rest and peace that comes from God’s presence. We are never alone in the waiting, regardless of how uncertain the future may feel, or how unsettling the present may seem.  If you have placed your faith in Jesus, you have been promised the Holy Spirit who dwells in you at all times. He gives you access to God the Father, and therefore God’s presence indwells you.  In times of waiting, God is always with you; He has promised to never leave you, nor turn his back on you (Hebrews 13:5). As God is faithful and cannot deny himself, He will never withdraw his presence from you.  

Are you confident in God’s provisions?  With this consideration, look beyond the physical to the spiritual.  Simon Peter came to a powerful realization in the midst of many would be followers turning back.  Our Lord once asked His disciples, “you do not want to go away also, do you?” Peter answered, “where else have we to go, you alone have the words of Life” (John 6:66-68).   The way before the disciples was uncertain, and they had to wait for God’s plan to be fulfilled.  But their faith continued to be quickened, for Jesus alone possessed the very truth that became eternal sustenance to the soul.  There was no other recourse than to trust the One who provided the spiritual bread as well as the daily bread.  There remains no other place to rest than in the truth of Jesus, for He is the way, the truth, and the life.  Peter’s confession must be ours.  In the journey of faith, with twists and turns impossible to anticipate, we can anticipate the living Word that comes forth from God through faith in Christ our Lord. We can trust His spiritual provisions for our soul.  This is why the Psalmist exclaimed, “In His Word I put my hope.” 

Are you centered on God’s purposes?  When waiting we must center upon our daily relationship with Jesus.  The only successful way to stay centered on God’s purposes, especially during seasons of waiting, is to daily surrender to the Lordship of Christ.  “In all your ways acknowledge Him,” and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:6).  This acknowledgement represents ongoing obedience and surrender.  

Convinced of God’s presence, confidence in God’s provisions, and centered on God’s purposes prove that waiting is indeed a posture of faith.  So while you are waiting, remember that this is a time for active faith.  Do not settle into passiveness.  Avoid the slippery slope of apathy.   Allow the uncertainties that demand your waiting to become opportunities for your soul to lean forward toward God. Trust Him.  Depend upon Him.  Resolve this daily.  For, this is indeed the posture of waiting.  



Read Psalm 130 and be blessed in your waiting. 


May 27, Pray while waiting


May 25, patient and strong