May 28, Waiting – hoping and resting

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,

    and in His Word, I put my hope.

    Psalm 130:5

In your season of waiting, how much hope do you place in the Word of God?  The Psalmist demonstrated a posture of the soul that truly anticipated God’s mercy and grace.  The context of this Psalm has taught us of the Psalmist’s sense of sin and the confidence of God’s forgiveness (verse 4, “but with you there is forgiveness”).   And the Psalmist placed His hope in that which God has promised.  

In Exodus 34:6-7, God promised His forgiveness for iniquities, transgressions, and sins.  This promise describes God’s nature – His lovingkindness.  Therefore, the Psalmist placed His whole confidence in this word of promise from of old that became the foundation of His waiting: “in His Word I place my hope.”  God declared His merciful nature and His gracious pardoning for sinners. And this became for the Psalmist the word of hope.  

This truth points forward to “The” Word of Hope – the Word that became flesh - the Messiah who came to secure pardon for sin once for all.  I Peter 3:18 reminds us that “Christ died for sin once for all, the just for the unjust.”  Jesus has fulfilled all that God has promised.  The fulfillment is real.  Christ Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again.  This is the Gospel.  And, as the Psalmist’s emphasis upon hope serves as an example for our life of faith today, may we hope in God’s Word – His Word of promise: the Word that became flesh and dwelt among men, demonstrating the glory of the only begotten of the Father (John 1:14).  

Through faith in Jesus Christ, sins are forgiven, lives are restored, the guilt of sin is taken away.  And there is available to the sinner who comes to Jesus the righteousness purchased through the cross that offers complete access to God, not to make us mere religious adherents, but sons and daughters of God. This is our hope: The Word became flesh.  And to as many as have received Him by faith, God has given them the right to become children of God (John 1:12).  What an astounding reality!  I pray that you are living in this realty of hope at this very moment.   

So today, in your waiting, completely place your hope in God’s Word – in Jesus Christ.  Place your hope securely.  Do not allow moments of waiting to weaken your posture of faith.  The waiting caused by uncertainties in this world is not like the waiting that the Psalmist announced.  The waiting caused by a fallen world places the human heart on pause with doubt and fear of the unknown.  But the waiting that the Scriptures prescribe demonstrates one who actively rests in God’s promises, even in the midst of turmoil.  And, in that rest the soul looks to the only source of hope, Jesus.  This posture of waiting becomes an active reality of trusting, serving, and worshipping as hope rests secure in the clear fact that all the promises of God are fulfilled in Jesus (I Corinthians 1:20).  So, although what you see in this present moment may be uncertain, you can know in that uncertainty that God is there.  And He changes not.  

So today as you wait, hope in God and His promises.  Hope in Jesus. And rest.  Your soul can be at peace as you wait upon the Lord. 



May 29, Waiting – Wings of Eagles


May 27, Pray while waiting