November 29, Savior, Christ, the Lord

And it Came to pass

Luke 2:1

In the opening of the birth narrative of our Lord, Luke used language of real history concerning actual events: “and it came to pass in those days.” Jesus was born during an attempt at a global reign from a noted human leader in history, Caesar Augustus.  For years, the region into which Christ was born had been ravaged by war, destruction, brutality, and immoralities. Augustus attempted to bring about change through military victories, his administrative skills, and financial stability.  Yet, his "brilliant" leadership came with a great price.  Once a republic, Rome soon became an empire, and Augustus the first emperor.  He had arranged for the Roman Senate to name him Augustus (meaning one who is exalted and sacred).  He essentially named himself with this title and demanded total honor, and even expected worship from all in Rome.  And at a significant and specific time in history (noted by Luke at the time Quirinius ruled Syria), a census was decreed not simply for record keeping, but to tax everyone in the Roman empire, thus issuing more control and power. In reality, all the problems of the Mediterranean world were not solved by this ruler.  They were simply obscured by increased political control.  

The prideful control of a human leader became the historical context for the entrance of Jesus Christ as King of kings, and Lord of lords.

The Scriptures proclaim,

"But when the set time had fully come,God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship." (Galatians 4:4) 

The announcement of the birth of our Savior defined more than simply an event in history.  For at just the right time, when Caesar had commanded a census for more control, Jesus stepped into humanity as exalted King and the sustainer of all creation.  Man attempted to rule with finesse, political influence, diabolical manipulation and control.  Jesus came as a babe who was already King of kings. And, He would prove His rule and reign not through forced manipulation, but through love and sacrifice.  What a contrast!  What an entrance!  What a Savior who is Christ the Lord!

Therefore, when the angel announced on that holy night, “born for you today in the city of David is a Savior, Christ the Lord,” a world-wide impact of the reign of Christ began humbly and quietly.  In the midst of such global drama as produced by Augustus, Jesus came clothed in humanity while remaining perfect in deity.  And, to this very moment the emphasis of Christ our Lord has never once diminished in even the slightest way from a global impact. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is active around the globe at this very moment. Take hope in this amazing fact. 

Jesus came for all.  Not just for the easterners.  Nor, just for the westerners. He did not just come just for the first century nor just for the 21st century. Jesus came that all may have the opportunity to live.  Although born as a babe, He has always been “Savior, Christ, the Lord.”  

He came to redeem mankind from sin – Savior.  He came as God’s anointed One – Christ.  He rules and reigns as the perfect demonstration of God – the Lord.  

Therefore, the real message of Christmas has a global impact, for Jesus came for the world.  He is exalted over the nations.  

So today, as you anticipate Christmas and as you continue to struggle with present disappointments locally and worldwide, remember that the reign of Jesus is sovereign over the earth.  He is at work around the globe.  So even as the prophets from long ago, when you cannot fully understand God’s work or timing, trust His sovereign reign demonstrated in the Messiah, who has come indeed.  Trust Him completely.  Right where you are in life.  In the face of what you are dealing with at this very moment.  Trust Him.  From the very beginning, the majesty of Christ has been the anthem of Heaven. And the real message of Christmas has announced that Heaven’s anthem sung by the angels that night comes to life in our hearts as we trust in Christ our Savior and Lord.  

Trust Jesus Christ completely with what is going on in the world and in your life.  No political leader is the answer.  No political agenda.  Only Jesus.  Can we do our part in proclaiming the rule and reign of Christ our Lord to a world in need of a Savior?  

And it came to pass. Aren't you glad that Jesus came at a specific time and in a specific place to bring God to us, and our lives to God!!!



November 30, come let us adore Him