September 7, Worship that leads to following HIM!

God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

John 4:24

“This is my worship.  This is my offering.  In every moment I withhold nothing.”   

I had just preached the final message in a teaching series titled, “Follow.”  After preaching that message, I came to my office to have a quiet moment (most who preach regularly know the importance of such a moment).  Awaiting me was a song my wife had sent via text: “Spirit Lead Me.”  The opening line of the song proclaimed “This is my worship.  This is my offering.  In every moment I withhold nothing.” And I immediately thought, “Now, that’s following Jesus!”  

So, to summarize following Jesus, I say to everyone who truly desires to genuinely follow Jesus – worship Him.  Worship becomes the greatest expression of following Jesus, because in worship your heart is receptive to the Holy Spirit’s leadership.  You may worship in silence, or in song.  You may worship privately and corporately (as both are required in the Scriptures).  You may worship remembering the deep truths of sacred songs gone by, or in the jubilation of new music from those who give unto the Lord a new song.  But in any case, worship Jesus.  Open your heart to Him.  Something amazing happens when you do:  your heart becomes open before Jesus, your soul becomes attentive to Him, and in that moment the Holy Spirit speaks and directs your heart.  

So, worship Him.  And if you must, use music.  But worship Jesus! 

Read the Scriptures about Jesus and rejoice in who He is as the majesty of Heaven.  Allow the crimson thread of Christ’s sacrifice running throughout the sacred Scriptures to become the one true focus as you worship.  

When was the last time you found yourself free in worship?  Free to honor Christ according to the joy of your heart and not the restrictive opinions of others?  When have you recently opened your heart to proclaim His righteous deeds in truth and sincerity – in Spirit?  

Those who truly worship Him do so in Spirit and truth (John 4:24).  Worship Him. There is no greater way to be a follower of Jesus, for in worship you are freed to serve like never before.  Worship the King of Kings.  And follow Him.


Read John 4:1-26; 39-42 and be encouraged with worship that leads to following.  


September 8, “Have it your way” – the danger of personal preferences.


September 17, “sons and daughters”