Emergency Response Trauma/Crisis Chaplaincy

This course is an intensive resident training exploring the theological, biblical, and practical approach to ministry within the community during times of trauma or crisis. Four main areas will be covered:

1. Trauma and disaster

2. Emergency Response (ER) and the role of ER Chaplain

3. Active Listening

4. Self-Care

After the residency, there will be 2-3 gatherings throughout the semester with an online option for VA, MD, PA, NC, and SC residents (dates and times will be negotiated as a cohort). There will be options for students who are unable to attend these sessions.


MF4301 Spiritual Formation, ASIST (suicide prevention), and Mental Health First Aid


As the news shows, trauma in our communities is on the rise. Church and individual Christians are not immune from trauma. With loneliness increasing along with suicide, opioid and other drug use, and gun and other violence, the need for trained community members is urgent. The skills learned in this course will be useful in a variety of ministry and life settings.


This course meets a core curriculum requirement for the Graduate Certificate in Trauma and Healing Ministry, can satisfy the Leadership Practicum of the Master of Christian Leadership (MCL) in consultation with the MCL advisor, and can be an elective for the MCL and Graduate Certificate in Christian Leadership.


Through the successful completion of this course a student will be able to:

• Understand how scripture tells stories of trauma to deepen both knowledge and spiritual practices of faith.

• Understand the theological and biblical foundation for crisis and trauma care and begin to integrate this into one’s ministry.

• Explore areas of mental health and wellness both for the responder and the recipient along with healthy and appropriate pastoral interactions.

• Develop the tools (skills) need to respond in a healthy and holistic manner during times of crisis and trauma as followers of Christ.

• Role play in order to strengthen skills and explore appropriate responses as an Emergency Response Chaplain.

• SLO’s: 1.1.2, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.4.1, 1.5.3, 1.6.1, 1.6.2.


This course will meet for three days in a residency setting at the NorthStar Mission Center, 8730 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA 20110 and for two to three additional Note: This extended course description is a reliable guide but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change. sessions at an agreed-upon time. The residency will be a combination of lecture, discussion, role-play, and reflection. Students will write reflections based upon reading and lecture along with personal experience. Students will be expected to check-in with the professor and lecturers for self-care and growth. A term paper or a project (to be discussed with the professor) will be due two weeks after the last session.


Stephen Price, Christian Care in Crisis and Trauma (will be shared electronically)

Roberts and Ashley, Disaster Spiritual Care: Practical Clergy Responses to Community, Regional and National Tragedy, 2nd edition. SkyLight Paths, 2017.ISBN-10:168336029X ISBN-13:978-1683360292

Phyllis Trible, Texts of Terror, Fortress Press, 2022 (or any edition), ISBN-10:1506481388 ISBN-13:978-1506481388

Light Our Way a Guide for Spiritual Care in Times of Disaster, VOAD: