January 16, Authentic
“. . . to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statues and ordinances in Israel.”
Ezra 7:10
Any expression of spiritual authenticity ceases to exist when self-recognized. Such authenticity cannot be announced either as a goal or an achievement, but simply becomes a reality as one’s whole life gives way to a heart that truly seeks after God. Dr. Curtis Vaughn, renown Greek scholar and professor in Baptist life, was a personal mentor and friend whose influence significantly affects my life today, even years after his passing. One of Dr. Vaughn’s well-used teaching points was, “when you have recognized your humility you have just lost it.” Through this principle, Dr. Vaughn taught that the best things achieved in one’s life of faith can never be genuine and self-recognized at the same time. Spiritual authenticity. Not self-achieved and therefore not self-recognized. So, how does one arrive at an authentic life of faith? Let’s ask Ezra.
As an appointed scribe, Ezra’s personal life of faith exemplified spiritual authenticity in a clear and precise way. (Engage with the pattern of his life offered in Ezra 7:10.) First, Ezra had purposed early on to study the Law of the Lord at every point. But he did not stop at mere intention. Second, upon studying God’s law, his desire was to “practice it.” Ezra was concerned with keeping the details of God’s Word, and not simply to embrace the law with a rote memorization. He studied for personal application. Can you imagine that with every truth from God’s word you hear, you purposefully respond with, “how can I better reconcile my own life to this truth?” Third, Ezra was committed to teach God’s Word, and to lead others in personally applying God’s truth.
Conclusively then, 3 steps that exemplify authentic living are observed from Ezra and apply to our lives:
Study the Word of God so consistently and personally that the application of the truth becomes clear.
Make the application through carefully obeying God’s truth at every point in your life.
As you grow in your obedience to God’s word, be open to teaching His truths to others (intentionally influencing others through your faith). The teaching may be in the context of your parental role as you teach your children, in the context of your campus as you speak necessary truths into the lives of your friends, through personal feedback in church settings like small groups and Bible study classes, or in more formal roles of teacher and preacher. Writing, singing, and serving speak the truth as well. But do not sell yourself short. God has a word for you to share in the way He has designed for you. It may not be as a scribe like Ezra, but there is no unimportant way of living out God’s truth. Let Him open the door for your influence. You simply need to be ready. Allow the truth to flow out of you from within your own genuine encounter with God.
This constitutes for every Christ-follower the path to living out one’s faith authentically.
Spiritual authenticity! That’s the unspoken goal. Now, don’t talk about it. Don’t wish for it. Don’t announce it. Simply go and live out the truth of your faith in Jesus.
Study, obey, and teach.
Read and meditate on the following verses and be encouraged toward genuineness of faith: Romans 12:9; I Timothy 1:5; I Peter 1:22; James 1:27; 2 Corinthians 8:8-9.