January 15, Wrong Affections
"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him." I John 2:15
Do not love the world! What a simple statement with profound impact! In this present culture, prohibitive statements are often met with disdain, but this one must be considered at the deepest level of our hearts.
Every follower of Christ must learn the essence of “not loving the things of the world.” To fully comprehend this truth with head and heart, we must first remember what is meant by “the world.” We love the creation of God (as His majesty is seen in the beauty of the physical world). We also love people in the world through respect and honor ("Honor all people," I Peter 2:17). But, we cannot and should not love the way of the world, as influenced by Satan himself (John 12:31, Ephesians 2:2). So, how can the follower of Jesus avoid loving the way (the culture) of the world? I John 2:15 encourages three boundaries that will keep us from loving the world.
First, we cannot fix our affections on worldly objects or on what the world offers and furnishes. The Bible teaches that where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). We must be very careful not to allow our spiritual hearts to become fond of something in this world that God would never deem as acceptable for His son or daughter. We cannot be okay with an affection that does not agree with what God would desire for us. This encompasses what we affectionately look at or cling to that God would never approve. We cannot fix our affections on what the world constantly offers.
Second, we cannot make the things of this world our ultimate reward or portion for life. I cannot say that “sharing with the inheritance of the saints” is my ultimate prize to which I run yet simultaneously hold onto something in this world as my portion (that which I strive for and that which I think I deserve). Colossians 1:12 demonstrates that our ultimate reward is Heaven, shared with all who have gone before:
“Giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light.”
Many have become completely satisfied with the rewards of this life. Yet for the follower of Jesus, a heavenly crown awaits. A false satisfaction with worldly rewards becomes for the Christian a dangerous stronghold.
Third, we cannot make the world a “second affection.” We can never justify keeping our affection for the world safely in a close second place behind our love for God. Jesus once taught, “you cannot serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24). The instruction becomes a vital warning for each of us, for one love will ultimately push out the other. Loving God will powerfully push out a love for the world, but a love for the world can push away one’s love for God. This is why I John 2:15 states, “if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
So today, push away a love for the things of the world by loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). This is indeed the greatest commandment.
Return to your first love. Return to the joy of your salvation. Ask God to refresh your love for Him, and in this way watch the love you have had for the world quickly fade.
Read and meditate on I John 2:15-17 and allow the power of God's Word to loosen your grip on worldly things.