February 9, Community. Faith. Love.
Community. Faith. Love. It is just that simple.
Community represents first, membership into the Kingdom of God and then, membership into the local church. Membership into God’s kingdom is described in Colossians 1:13 - “He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Because of this, we are described in Ephesians 2:19 as “no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens with all the saints, and members of God’s household.” Community represents redemption, reconciliation, and the mending and restoration of brokenness caused by sin. Community represents a spiritual and relational connection with the Body of Christ, the Church, as each individual becomes reconciled and restored through faith in Jesus Christ. As this happens, the church becomes alive and relevant in the world.
FAITH becomes a reality at conversion and continues to grow as each member of the church becomes one who truly lives for Jesus and His kingdom. This indicates that faith development and spiritual formation through discipleship do not simply train good church members, but individuals who live and serve under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. When personal faith grows, one’s identity of ministering on behalf of the church and the kingdom of Christ becomes a reality. “We who are many are one body in Christ and individually members one of another. Since we have different gifts, each of us is to exercise them accordingly” (Romans 12:5-6). This becomes a vital expression of faith lived out in members of the Body of Christ – the church. Conclusively, a community of faith would be shallow and artificial without such maturing and developing faith.
LOVE represents the love of Christ and His kingdom demonstrated through the church to the world. “For the love of Christ compels us.” (2 Corinthians 5:14) Discipleship and ministry are only as good as the depth of one’s love for others. Being on mission with Christ and His people indicates a mission of love for Christ and for the lost world. This becomes a reality as each member of the church, growing in faith, extends the love of Christ and His kingdom to our families and close friends, to our neighbors, our city, and ultimately out to the world.
Community. Faith. Love. It is just that simple. Let’s be the church.