July 11, together is better

Not neglecting to meet together!

Hebrews 10:25

Tacos anyone?

Okay, taco lovers, lean in.  Netflix has released a docuseries titled, Taco Chronicles.  This series features many taco styles that actually have long and rich histories but are little known.  Also, within each series the beauty of the Hispanic culture is honored.  And, my beautiful Hispanic daughter has given me such an appreciation.  

In one episode of this docuseries, the social aspect of sharing a taco with a friend was explored.   One young lady interviewed said, “when you ask someone ‘come have tacos with me’, fellowship is implied.”  

This approach sounds familiar, does it not?  The invitation for a taco might in other cultures express similar sentiments with, “hey, let’s go get some coffee,” or, “how about some ice cream?”  When my older daughters were in those difficult teen years, an invitation to take the top off the jeep and “go get a milkshake” was dad’s way of saying, “hey, I want to have a meaningful conversation with you.” 

Today, who have you “invited for a taco recently”?  Intentional fellowship!  This represents a significant attribute of faith and of the church.  In a day affected by social distancing, has the desire for intentional fellowship diminished?  I pray not!

We need each other.  We were made by our Heavenly father for fellowship, and if our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ made time to break bread with others, then we should most definitely do the same.  Even introverts like myself need to lean into this truth.  WE WERE MADE FOR FELLOWSHIP.  

The Scriptures teache (Hebrews 10:23-25), 

22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

In a series of three significant exhortations for the first century church, the first two remind us to draw near to God (verse 22), and to hold to the hope we profess (verse 23).  The third exhortation reminds us to “spur one another on to love and good deeds” (verse 24).  It is worth noting that within these three exhortations are the great essentials of faith, hope, and love. And, these three exhortations are fulfilled in the context of the Christian community, for they depend upon the gathering.  As we are called to increased faith, hope, and love, the gathering of God’s people stands as absolutely essential.  

How do you define the gathering, and how are you satisfying such an essential?  Have you easily waved off gathering, or has this present moment caused a deeper hunger for togetherness?  Do you truly crave community?  

So today, I challenge you to redefine togetherness for this present moment.   For the sake of the witness and health of God’s church, do not dismiss the necessity of community.  We need each other.  

Lets pray about how we might better gather.  Under God’s hand, allow His Spirit to lead you in new and creative ways to gather.  But gather.  Two or three, or ten or twenty.  The call is to gather, and well we should.

Today, get intentional with fellowship.  Invite someone to break bread.  And, rediscover how togetherness strengthens our faith.  

Hey, let’s go have tacos! 



Read Hebrews 10:23-25 and be reminded of the essential of the gathering.


July 22, “Let Us . . .”


July 1, See Jesus