July 22, “Let Us . . .”
Since we have a great priest over the house of God.
Hebrews 10:21
The Bible urges us communally toward 3 distinct commitments. First, “let us” draw near to God. Second, “let us” hold fast to our hope. Third, “Let us spur one another on.” The motivation for these commitments rests upon the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is described as the priest over the house of God. He not only shows the way to God, but takes us into God’s presence, into a relationship with God, and intercedes for us at the Father’s right hand:
Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. (Romans 8:34)
Having placed our faith in Jesus – in His death and resurrection, we become members of God’s family. And as a part of God’s household we have Jesus Christ as our advocate, our great High Priest!
Based on this supernatural ministry Jesus has over us as His followers (Hebrews 10:21), our life commitments should be to “draw near to God, hold fast to our hope, and to encourage others to do the same” (Hebrews 10:22-25). There could be no greater motivation for such commitments than to know that Jesus is the One High Priest over our lives, ever interceding for us. There is no other to give us access to God. Only Jesus. And, because of what He has accomplished for us, “let us” as the household of God (as the Church) resolve to live out the commitments prescribed.
“Let us draw near to God” (Hebrews 10:22). This calls us to a life of personal devotion that comes from the inner and outer change Christ Jesus has accomplished in those who have trusted in Him. This is expressed in the “heart cleansed” and the “body washed” (expressing how one is set apart unto Christ as a part of the church). This may reference the testimony of baptism or the work of the Holy Spirit, or both. “Drawing near” also demonstrates the communal aspects of worship and prayer. So, because of what Jesus has done, our lives should be characterized as drawing near to God personally and communally. The response should be to live in personal devotion in our walk of faith and in communal commitment as an active part of the church.
“Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope” (Hebrews 10:23) expresses an unwavering faith. As we draw near to God, our faith becomes steadfast and consistent. When we truly focus on the person of Jesus Christ, how can we not but remain strong in our faith. The reformers referred to this as the perseverance of the saints. This passage of the Scriptures refers to this as the only suitable response to the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior. And we hold to our hope (the Gospel truth of our salvation), for this becomes the foundation of our identity in Christ as individuals and as the church.
“Let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together” (Hebrews 10:24-25). This final commitment expresses a communal consistency. Each follower of Christ must be reconciled with His Body, the church. The thought that a follower of Jesus can opt out of meaningful connection with the church (actively belonging and not merely a paper membership) represents a gross contradiction of the believer. We are a part of the church – the Body of Christ. We are called to encourage others in the church. We are called to have concern for one another and to promote one another to love and good works. Let us not forget that one of the most counter intuitive attitudes of the believer is to conclude that he or she does not need to be an active part of the church.
So, we have these three commitments: “let us continue in personal and communal devotion to God, let us hold faithfully to our hope in Christ, and let us encourage others through our active participation in the church.” And, why are these commitments vital? They represent our response to our Savior and Lord, who shed His blood for us and gave His life (Hebrews 10:19-20), and has become the Great High Priest over the house of God. And since we have a great high priest, “Let us” respond accordingly!
So, today, as you understand the role of Christ in your life and over your life, consider how to respond. Allow the above commitments to check your personal commitment to Christ and His church. This truly is the heart of a follower of Jesus.
Read Hebrews 10:19-25 and consider the commitments that honor our Lord and His church.