June 19, Confused about which way to go? Walk in the light.
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life’.”
John 8:12
Light guides. Light illumines the darkness so that the path becomes clear. Jesus promised clear guidance for His followers, much as God provided the cloud for the children of Israel on their march to the Promise Land.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” Jesus referenced Himself as “light of the world,” to announce that He is indeed the One true light. He does not reflect the light, nor point to the light. He IS the light.
Throughout the Scriptures, “light” represents the holiness of God. We know that God is light. He spoke light into existence. We also know that the “God, who said, ‘let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6). God spoke light at the point of creation (Genesis 1:3), and God speaks light at the point of a new creation (when one is born again by faith in Jesus Christ – John 3:3, I Peter 1:3). Therefore, Jesus is the full reality – the demonstration and presentation, of the “light” of God. He is the light of the world, indicating that He has come to relieve the broken world from darkness. Take a close look at your life. Are there remnants of darkness that have become a snare for you? Confess those areas of your life to God. Trust His love and grace. Be reconciled completely with Jesus Christ. Be in the light.
Personally. Jesus said that if we walk in Him we will have “the light of life.” This demonstrates that as physical darkness was dispelled when God created light, so the darkness of sin is dispelled by the light of the Gospel – the light of Jesus Christ. The darkness of sin brings death. But the light of Jesus (revealing the fullness of God and His love) brings spiritual life. The knowledge of God’s glory, meaning the full essence of God revealed in Jesus Christ, becomes spiritual light in us that unquestionably has power over any and every expression of spiritual darkness. When you and I are in the light of Christ, the fullness of God, His glory, becomes the very light that illumines our path.
Practically. The light of God shines through His Truth – His Word. God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). The imagery of “lamp” represents a light that is used in the setting of a dark path to give light to each step. This becomes reminiscent of Proverbs 16:9, “man makes His plan, but God orders his steps.” The Word of God is also a “light to my path,” thus demonstrating the Hebrew idea of a bright light (as the sun) illumining the whole path. This gives opportunity for knowing and understanding God’s will and way for one’s entire life. Through His Word, God directs and orders your steps, and He gives guidance to the whole course of your life. Stay in the light of His Word.
So today, walk in the light of God. Prioritize and emphasize Jesus over all things in your life: over every affection and every pursuit. Stay under the influence of God’s Word. Hunger for His truths. And, as your heart inclines to Jesus moment by moment, you will be in the proper spiritual posture to receive His supernatural guidance. I pray this becomes a reality for you. For, then you will realize that the greatest reward for seeking guidance is not the guidance itself, but the closeness gained with Jesus that offers the guidance.
Read John 1:1-9 and celebrate the light of Christ that has come to you.