June 24, what is right
There is a way that seems right to man.
Proverbs 14:12
Who decides what is right for you? What most influences your decisions?
The above proverb warns,
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death. (NIV)
There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death. (NLT)
What you think is the right road may lead to death. (GNT)
There is a way — right before a man, and its latter ends are ways of death. (YLT)
I realize this does not seem incredibly encouraging. Warnings usually aren’t. But our God has given us this truth, I believe, for two very simple reasons:
First, each person has an idea of what is right.
Second, without the intervention of God’s truth, man’s idea of “right” will consequently lead to destruction.
Perhaps this warning would not have such a sting had Solomon wrote, “there is a way that seems right to man, but the end result is disappointing”, or “the end result will need to be rethought.” But that is not the warning. “The end result will be death.” This may seem extreme to some, for how can man’s way not have some element of good? Why would all of man’s ways result in death without God’s intervention?
Man’s idea of Right.
Returning to the reasons cited above, consider first the awareness that each person has an idea of what is right. The constant theme throughout Proverbs represents the stark contrast of what is foolish and of the world, and what is of the wisdom of God. And, in a general assessment of fallen man’s ways, without God’s divine truth guiding the human heart, there will be certain calamity as the flesh always seeks after the flesh. Therefore, human thinking and reasoning follows only the opinions and insights of self. And this creates a self-righteousness that is no righteousness at all, but only an approach that becomes “phantom-like” – shallow and fleeting. In this way a man deceives himself. This represents the foolishness of man against which the Bible clearly warns.
The Consequence.
The danger of “the way that seems right” can be understood through the warning of Jesus when He described the broad road:
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14)
As Jesus concluded the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:13-27), the righteousness of the Kingdom would indeed involve sacrifice at every step. And at this point, a distinct division between two categories of response to Jesus’ teachings on the Kingdom become apparent: those who take the way of ease and indulgence with a priority on self (gaining this life), and those who lay down their life for the eternal joy and promotion of the Kingdom of God (losing this life but gaining the life to come) – Matthew 16:25. Jesus announced that there will be many on the broad road (the road of self), and few on the narrow road (the road to life). Jesus’ term of the wide road represents that which is of ease, therefore many find this way. Jesus’ term of the narrow gate represents that which is difficult, calling for a denial of self for the sake of eternal life offered freely by Jesus. And consequently, the broad way bent toward the inclinations of the flesh, which we all would easily enter if not for the powerful grace of God, always leads to destruction, for the wages of sinfulness is death (Romans 6:23). The absolute consequence of following the flesh is always counter to that which God provides. Works of the flesh always end in destruction and spiritual death. But the truth of God in Christ always leads to life. ALWAYS.
So, in response to Proverbs 14:12, who decides what is right for you? There is only one measure of right and wrong for every person. The way of the fallen flesh is wrong, for the inclinations to act counter to God are always wrong, and the Bible clearly calls this sin. But the way of God, His truth revealed perfectly through Jesus, is always right.
Overly simplistic? I don’t think so!
So simple and clear that this can often be ignored? Yes. And sadly many miss the simplicity of this truth.
Today, at this moment, let’s recommit to the simple reality that without God’s intervention of truth we are headed toward destruction, but with faith in Jesus and commitment to His truths, we are walking according to God’s desire for us. Today, remember who decides what is right. Only God who has made His way known through Jesus. Trust His wisdom. Trust His truths. For, they are life. And remember, lean not on your own understanding.
Read Matthew 7:13-27 and be the wise person who builds on the rock.