May 13, Shine

Let your light so shine before men.

Matthew 5:16

Let your light shine!  Yet, the paradox is that your light does not in any way emphasize you.

Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." 

Let your light shine!  What is the meaning?

The motive for public demonstration, as here encouraged by our Lord, stands in sharp contrast to the ostentation of the prayers and almsgiving of the Pharisees.  Your life does not serve the purpose of winning the praise of others, but to lead others to glorify the giver of the light that exists within you 

The light identified as possessively yours most certainly does not indicate “by your origin”, but rather a derived brightness gained from the main source, which is Christ Himself. The light is a gift placed within you. Thus you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), but as a lamp (Matthew 5:15) that radiates the brightness of the One true light.  

Light cannot be anything other than what light is: the brightness that dispels darkness.  God is light, and because He has given you His Holy Spirit, you are light as well.  In this way, you reflect the One true light, Jesus Christ, who is the full radiance of God (Hebrews 1:3).  

Let your light shine!  How is this practiced?

Let your light shine.  This is active and not passive.  Your present circumstances represent daily opportunities for your light to shine as your words, your attitudes, and your actions demonstrate the truth and love of Jesus.  This represents your total witness of the treasure that is within you:

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. (2 Corinthians 4:7)

 You are the luminary that brings the truth of Jesus directly to the lives of others:

That you may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom you shine as lights (Greek, “phoster” – that which illuminates) in the world. (Philippians 2:15)

Let your light shine!  What is the spiritual reality of your life? 

An ancient document from the latter half of the second century known as the “Epistle to Diognetus,” serves as an apologetic document given to Roman authorities in explanation of and defense for the Christian faith.  The following is a brief excerpt: 

“They pass their lives in whatever township—Greek or foreign—each man's lot has determined; they are adapted to the ordinary local usage in their clothing, diet, and other habits. Nevertheless, the organization of their community does exhibit some features that are remarkable, and even surprising. For instance, though they are residents at home in their own countries, their behavior there is more like transients. … Though destiny has placed them here in the flesh, they do not live after the flesh; their days are passed on earth, but their citizenship is above in the heavens. They obey the prescribed laws, but in their own private lives they transcend the laws. They show love to all men—and all men persecute them. They are misunderstood and condemned; yet by suffering death they are quickened into life. They are poor, yet making many rich; lacking all things, yet having all things in abundance. … They repay [curses] with blessings, and abuse with courtesy.”[1]

 What indeed is the spiritual reality of our lives? As the above testimony proves, the lifestyle to which Jesus originally called His followers continues, and this lifestyle is the very same to which He calls you and me at this very moment.  

The Words of Jesus are indeed timeless in authority, inspiration, and accountability.  So, let's consider what must change in us today so that the reality of our lives does not differ in any way from what our Lord and Savior summoned as He spoke these words, “let your light so shine.”  

Today, shine.  Shine so that others see what you do in word and deed, and thus glorify God who is at work in you.  



Read Philippians 2:12-16, and be encouraged to shine right where you live.  

[1] Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation.


May 14, Walk with Him


May 12, TRUTH